Carlo Italo Zanotti - Architect | Founder

He was born in Cavarzere (Venice) on 25 June 1955. He graduated with honors from the Turin Polytechnic on
July 17 1980, and completed his
professional training at prestigious Turin studios.
In particular, he collaborated between 1978 and 1980 with the Libidarch associate studio and from
1980 to 1983 he worked
with the architects M.F. Roggero and Agostino Magnaghi on the renovation and rehabilitation projects
of the block called "ex Podgora Barracks" for the Departments of Biology and Earth
In 1981 in Paris, he completed his professional training at the Arch. J. P. Buffi architectural firm, collaborating in particular on the executive project of the Institute of French Culture in Lisbon.
He opened his own studio in 1984 and in 1992 he founded the firm artom & zanotti associate architects with Anita Artom.
Adviser of the Professional Association of Architects of the Province of Turin (1994/96) and delegated architect for the Public Authorities monitoring as personnel responsible for Public Works.
Co-creator since 2005 with Merkurio Progetti Musicali of the event "Music and spaces, meetings
between architecture and music" of which he is scientific manager of the architecture sector.
Creator and organizer of the design workshops for the spaces dedicated to music "the sound and the space", in collaboration with the Foundation for Architects and the Polytechnic of Turin; designated teachers: prof. arch. Franco Lattes - Architectural Composition (Dipradi) and prof. arch. Arianna Astolfi - Acoustics (Dener).
Member of the Professional Association of Architects of the Province of Turin from 1983 at n.1950
- professional qualification for the purpose of issuing certificates of fire prevention referred to in articles. 1 and 2 of the law n. 818 of 07/02/198484
- technical-scientific in-depth study on "environmental impact assessment", a trend and design update seminar on social welfare facilities
- specialization course on safety in mobile construction sites (Legislative Decree 494/96 article 10). Enclosed copy of the certificates issued by the order of architects of the province of Turin
- refresher course on the topic: methodology and practice for the development of the security and coordination plan and the technical dossier (legislative decree 494/96). Teacher: arch. L. Carretta - Turin 11 June 1999
- participation, through a call for tender for titles and curriculum, to the teaching and workshops activities for the real professions project (2004-2005)
- project of the CRT foundation with the home-city department of the Polytechnic University of Turin, cipet school institution, ecipa training, Confartigianato training, household training, oat foundation)
- participation in three modules of didactic activities for the II edition of the real professions project (2005-2007)
participation in the teaching activity for the III edition of the real professions project
(2007-2008). Case study:
historical architecture in piedmont and valle d'aosta
- cathedral of novara
- technical and material crafts
- terracotta and stone artefacts
- participation in the conference "conservation and adaptation of ecclesiastical cultural heritage" organized by the Restaurea Group at the Theater Piccolo Valdocco-Turin May 2005
- participation in the 12-hour professional training seminar organized by the foundation of the order of architects, planners, landscapers and curators for the province of Turin, concerning the use of structural glass in civil architecture-Turin May 2006
- participation in the "transparent building casing" conference. Integrated facades for energy efficiency. Organized by Polytechnic of Turin and Fresia Alluminio in March 2009
- 40-hour refresher course on safety in mobile construction sites (Legislative Decree 81/2008), organized by the foundation of the Order of Architects of the Province of Turin. April 2009
- participation in the teaching activity of the IV edition of the real trades project (2009). Topics covered: green building and energy management
- participation in the technical update seminar "designing and building in class A" promoted and organized by "edicom edizioni" - Monfalcone (GO) - September 2010
- participation in the training seminar "the safety of work at high altitudes" organized by the association “linea vita” – October 2011
- participation in the conference "extensions and additions in superelevation with wooden construction systems" organized by “edicom edizioni”-Monfalcone (GO) – May 2012
Anita Artom - Architect | Founder

She was born in Asti on July 4, 1958. She graduated from the Polytechnic of Turin in 1984, supervisor Aimaro Isola. She completed her professional training at private studios in Turin, in particular she collaborated between 1983 and 1984 with the firm of the arch. Cesare Volpiano, dealing mainly with Restoration and Conservate Rehabilitation of important historical buildings including:
- Baronino Complex - Casale Monferrato (AL) for the insertion of Administrative Offices for the Piedmont Region
- Le Vallere farmhouse - Moncalieri (TO) for renovation and arrangement of the fluvial park and museum.
From 1984 to 1991 she collaborated with the arch. Carlo Italo Zanotti, dealing mainly with residential construction and public works. In 1992 she founded the firm artom & zanotti associate architects with Carlo Italo Zanotti.
Member of the Professional Association of Architects of the Province of Turin from 1987 at No. 2533